HRG004 - Letras, Metálico
Released Aug. 16, 2024
Letras is Ana María Rodríguez.
With a nod to the pop culture elements that are omnipresent throughout her life, Rodríguez unites borrowed sounds with feedback and rudimentary electronics to create a chaotic sound-collage/ meditation that serves as a reflection of her personal experiences with friendship and loss.
Rodríguez works in a way that evades any specific categorization or genre. Metálico is equally playful as it is sincere. This one is for the real experimental heads.
Head Recording Engineer - Kyle Raquipiso
Assistant Engineer/ Lead Hype-Man - Dane Overton
Production Assistant - Sean Pierce
Mastered by Max Wolf
Special thanks to Rinzan Osho and No Rank Zendo
Cover art by "Source One," DACrew
For Enid and Saint.